Understanding Spirituality: A Personal Perspective

Understanding Spirituality: A Personal Perspective

I often notice a lot of confusion surrounding the term spirituality. Some people associate it with being religious, while others link it to esoteric practices or view it as something unusual or “out of the ordinary.” I would like to take a moment to share what spirituality means to me and how it has shaped my personal journey.

Spirituality, to me, is within all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not. I respect the fact that some may choose not to believe in anything; I was once in that place myself, many years ago. However, I came to a realization:

We are spiritual beings living a human experience. Once you accept this idea, the complicated and abstract definitions around spirituality become easier to understand.

Defining The Concept

I understand that some people are guided more by their logical mind than by their creative or mystical side. However, if we constantly seek “proof”, scientific studies or validation, before believing something is real, we risk missing out on the magic this world has to offer.


Many of life’s synchronicities, coincidences, opportunities, and connections come from a deeper, unseen force, what I see as the magical source of soul contracts, destiny and manifestation. By staying open to this possibility, we allow ourselves to experience the wonder and beauty that often lies beyond logic and reason.


Being spiritual isn’t about adhering to a religion based on dogma (a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true; For example, if you do X you will go to hell/live in sin), following a particular esoteric tradition, or practicing structured rituals or meditation. Instead, spirituality is about being you in the truest, most authentic sense, connected to your soul’s essence and the higher states of consciousness within you (often referred to as your higher self, which is you in a higher power).


It’s about recognizing that we are all sparks of light within the universe and part of something greater. Whether you call it God, the Universe, Source, or any other name, the label itself doesn’t matter. In my understanding, spirituality is about connecting with this larger presence, whatever it means for YOU.


Faith, Purpose, and Connection


Spirituality involves having faith in something greater than ourselves, being open-minded and staying true to our hearts and our soul’s purpose. I know these experiences can come with many challenges depending on our souls past life’s and evolution, but this life time we are experiencing in humanity is a gift, and we can never be certain how long it will last.


At our core, we all come from the same source and return to the same source. Internally, we are one. If you look at the teachings of various religions and spiritual traditions, they ultimately converge on one fundamental truth: love is the answer, and we are all connected. Who we are, where we come from, or how we look doesn’t change this shared connection.


For me, spirituality in its simplest form is about becoming conscious and self-aware, understanding who you truly are, recognizing what you want in life, and aligning your life with the essence of your soul and its purpose. And no, this does not have to be a complicated purpose, a huge goal or materialistic achievement, it can be anything that resonates within your heart.


What We Give, We Receive


Spirituality teaches us a simple principle: what we give, we receive; what we are, we attract. When we act from love and kindness, we create a positive domino effect in our lives and the lives of others.


However, embracing spirituality does not mean always being joyful, loving, and “full of light.” True spiritual awareness comes from understanding and accepting our dual nature—the light and the shadow.

Without darkness, there can be no light. Without acknowledging and embracing those “less pleasant” parts of ourselves or our past, we cannot fully create space for healing, growth, and light to shine.


Walking Your Own Spiritual Path


I firmly believe that spirituality is not about following any one specific practice, belief system, religion, or dogma. The true spiritual journey is deeply personal. It is about tuning into your soul’s callings, listening to the wisdom of your higher self, and being less influenced by control, negative thinking, external circumstances or pressures.


We are all made of divine power, love, and light. These qualities exist within each of us, waiting to be discovered as we walk the path of life.


Acceptance Without Judgment


Let’s stop judging others for their beliefs, practices, or perceived “levels” of awakening. At our core, we are all connected. We are just walking different paths, sometimes in parallel, sometimes at different paces—and that’s perfectly okay.


The beauty of spirituality lies in this truth: We are all part of the same universal energy, learning and evolving at our own speed. When we embrace love, acceptance, and understanding, we can honor this connection and support one another on our unique journeys.

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